Casting - The Switch

Logline/ Short Synopsis: GINGER, A mysterious photographer called "la Diva" is having a creative block, so when she meets YOS, a Mexican youtuber visiting NYC in hopes of a career in fashion, the two decide to switch places, each pretending to be the other person.
Director: Emmanuel Sapo
Produced by Emmanuel Sapo, Xin Wang, Josh Shelton
Pay $125/Day
Production Dates: April 25-June 15 in New York City - Local Hire ONLY.

This character shoots Thursday, May 10 - You must be available for the entire day.

Seeking: "James Culligan" - Role is cast.

Also seeking: Alejandro, a self-absorbed model who dated Yos (main character) in Mexico, but since moving to New York, has not been in touch with her, until he learned that she might be usefulfor his career. She even called him when he got to New York
and he lied to her, saying he was out of town. This is thefirst time they have seen each other since Mexico.

Filming date: Wednesday, May 9 - PM

Age: 20s

Must be bi-lingual: english/spanish

Email - with headshot/resume and links to reel.